I am, coming home from work early Friday morning. I get off of the Rocky Neck Connector off I-95 and roll past Rocky Neck State Park. All is lit up. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I turn onto Giants Neck Road and street lights. Looks like another day in the dark. As I come thru the S-curve, I see an oncoming vehicle. But it is not moving. It has these pretty yellow strobe lights on it. Lo and's an honest-to-goodness Connecticut Light & Power line crew....2 of them!! I stop and look up at the one lineman in the bucket finishing up on some wires. I look at one of the linemen on the ground and after saying "good morning" I asked, "Will Giants Neck Heights be getting its power back this morning??" And he answers, "It's a good possibility." I say, "Thank you for your efforts. Good to see you this morning." As I head home, I stopped at the 3 locations where trees had taken some wires down. The trees are all cleared out but the wires still dangle in place. I think, "Well, maybe later today." I get home and try to go to sleep, occasionally looking at my alarm clock to see if it is lit. I'm like a kid on Christmas morning, anticipating the great event. I finally zonk out.
At about 6:15am, nature calls and I wake up. Soon as I figure out my orientation in the bed, I turn over and look at my alarm clock. The time is blinking. I turn on my lamp on my bedside table. It comes to life. A very happy feeling comes over me and life is back to normal. And then in the same breath, I feel guilty because my 2 brothers in Glastonbury won't have power back until Tuesday evening. Well, maybe if they are lucky, it'll come back sooner.
So I take care of nature and crawl back into bed. I think of that nice hot shower I will have later in he day. And then start to think of what I need to get to restock the fridge. But all in due time. Sleep beckons.
Electricity. An amazing phenomenon whose absence has pretty much led in the news both in print and media this past week. May the rest of the hurricane season be a quiet one.
Thanks to the crew from CL&P for getting my lights back on. Many thanks to all of the crews from out-of-state for your help. I’m sure we’ll return the favor down the road.